
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Happy Holidays everyone!

We have been busy these past few weeks in Romania. We have been able to be a
part of various ministries through Hope Church Romania! Most recently we have
come alongside them to support their shoebox ministry.

Have you heard of the shoebox project? It is similar to Operation Christmas child-
people from around the world come together to buy gifts for kids around the
world during the holiday season.

Like many of you, I grew up doing these types of things with my mom. I always
loved helping shop for toys and other items but I was left wondering who was receiving these special gifts. This tradition of giving gave me a deep desire and joy in giving even when I couldn’t see the whole story God was writing with each present.

Now, I am in Romania seeing who is receiving these special gifts! The vision for this project at Hope church is for many youth to be saved and join the church body. We gather with children, sing Christmas carols or hymns, give them their box, and pray with them. It has been the sweetest to see the joy they have.

The story will continue to be written after these boxes are given, too. We are hopeful that these gifts will be a reminder of God’s love for years to come!

The word Emmanuel means God with vou. Last week. one or mv squad mates
asked our squad, “Outside of the Christmas season, what would it look like to
truly rejoice in Emmanuel?”.

Christmas is a beautiful season with an incredible sense of joy and celebration in
the air- even for those who don’t know Christ. Rejoicing in the Lord means putting
joy in His name, work, and being. Because we rejoice in the Lord, we can rejoice
amidst sorrow and pain. We can declare victory over everything!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

My prayer for you this holiday season is that while you may be grieving, confused,
experiencing sadness or broken- you rejoice in the Lord for all your days! Jesus
conquered death, is returning, and desires for you to seek refuge in Him!
What would it look like to rejoice in the Lord past the holiday season? To say, ‘God
thank you that you sent your one and only son to die for me?’?

Months are going by so quickly on the race. I am in gratitude that I get to spend
this time chasing after God’s own heart and walking towards holiness.

Prayer Requests:

The Shoebox Project: prayers for the hearts of the children receiving the gifts
to know the Lord and feel His love this Christmas.
ATL: prayers for my team as we soon go into a season of asking the Lord
where He wants us to go, what he wants us to do, and who he wants us to
meet in Romania.
My squad: prayers for spiritual protection, rest, and for all sickness to be

Be well. Love well.
