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World Race training camp has come to completion! My squad, ‘P-Squad’ and our leadership have casted a vision for the year which is: 

Because we bear the Image of Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we will steward what the father has entrusted to us through truth, love, integrity, service, and faith. 

Man, my squad is a mighty and bold squad. 

Between sleeping in our tents in a rainy season, eating crickets at dinner, taking showers with buckets, and spending lots of time dancing with the Lord- my squad grew together and prepared for the field. 

Beyond the wild things, I’ve learned how to be rooted in good faith and good soil. 

Mathew 17 says ‘But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who continues to hear the word and understands it. This is the one who produced a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 

Before I left for training, I thought I had good soil but when the wind and rain came throughout the past two weeks, God showed me parts of my heart that I still needed to surrender to Him. As my squad enters corners of the world, we need to be secure and faithful to our one true God. When the worries of the world come, is our faith strong and firm? Or does it wither and fall away? 

God is calling me to abandon and make sacrifice. He has called me to abandon routines, material things, control, and the life that I once had. He is saying, ‘Here, step in. There is new life here. Life of deep abundance”. 

I have also been learning to depend on God. Dependence looks like spending time in His word everyday so that our words and actions are instinctively rooted in Truth. Everything that is not truth has the potential to put us in bondage or limit us. Dependence on the Gospel has established a deeper intimacy with the Lord. 

I am delighted to be growing in deeper intimacy with the father by just sitting in His presence.

He is the vine. He is the light of the world. He is eternal life. He is the way. He is the light

My first team is team Gloria a Dios which means Glory to God in Spanish. We are a group of four women who desire to empower one another, raise each other higher, and glorify God in all we do. 

My squad departs on Monday, September 11th. We will spend eight weeks in Guatemala where we will be doing ministry alongside our hosts. 

Be well. Love well. 


9 responses to “Good Soil and Abandonment”

  1. Praying for you Maggie! ¡Alabanza al señor! Praise God for what he will do through your team and host partners

  2. MY SWEET FRIEND!! I cannot believe how faithful our father is. You got this because you have Jesus. I love you!

  3. Prayers for safe keeping and travels for you Maggie and your team. Lead and follow with God in your heart
    Love. Gerry & Steve Wicklund

  4. You’re in my prayers Maggie … and on my heart … Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  5. So good Maggie,
    I loved your reference to the parable of the soils, the condition of the heart, great great stuff! I also need to watch that the desire for pleasure, the cures of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, etc. Don’t creep in to my shallow heart or thorny heart. I so want it to be said of me by God-

    “As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.”
    ??Luke? ?8:15? ?ESV??

    Thanks also for the reminder of our need for brokenness, dependence, abandonment and just all around more surrender and trust in such a good good father‘s.
    Much respect and appreciation to you Maggie, keep running your race is you hit the ground in Guatemala

  6. MAGGIE! Wow I love you! You are kind, sweet, open hearted, strong and so ready to step into whatever God has for you and I can’t believe I get to watch! What a blessing! Go after Him sis !

  7. Super sweet reading this blog…even 2 weeks later (hehe). Praying that you continue to sit in this expectation of the Holy Spirit to move that the Lord has begun to stir in your heart!

    Be well. Love well. -I’m a fan!

  8. “Dependence looks like spending time in His word everyday so that our words and actions are instinctively rooted in Truth. Everything that is not truth has the potential to put us in bondage or limit us.”
    Thank you so much for this reminder.
    Your ministry is such an encouragement!
    May you feel God’s presence each day of your journey.