
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

While we are down memory lane, enjoy these awkward photos of me. 

Dear 10 year old Maggie, you laugh with the joy of the Lord in your heart. His love radiates through you. Embrace all of the days you spend memories you make with your sister, you’ll cherish them forever. Look up to your siblings— they are paving the way before you.

Dear 12 year old Maggie, you began to see God in all things. You created memories at church camp. You desired to learn about him, serve, spend time at church, and looked up to the elders in your church. All along you were creating space for God in your heart. 

Dear 16 year old Maggie, remember to take the expectation off of yourself. Sports do not define you so enjoy them. This year you are going to go on your first mission trip and see the brokenness of the world. Your tender heart may break but it will reveal the strength and purpose God has gifted you. Also, thank your mom for letting you get on a plane to go out of the country without her. 

Dear 18 year old Maggie, you graduated high school. College is going to be bigger and overwhelming. Stay rooted in the Lord and hold fast to your roommate Kelly. She will stay by your side, encourage you, and become your best friend. You are going to learn a lot about God & friendship from her. The bible you packed is worthy to be read more than once a week. Don’t forget to be extra gracious to your mom because you are her last kid to go to college. You are also going to meet an incredible community of Christians. Surround yourself with them, you have so much to learn.

Dear 20 year old Maggie, God was with you all along. He was there with you in your loneliness and confusion. He was with you when you were feeling the weight of the world. Despite the change happening around you, His constant love never left your side. You will learn that you cannot do anything in your own strength. I am thankful that you continued to work hard and remain faithful. 

Dear 21 year old Maggie, I am proud of you. You sought help and the Lord brought you out of the darkness. You are a dreamer! The Lord is going to fulfill those dreams, stay steadfast. Take a breath and make room in your schedule for Jesus as a priority. It’s okay to have a slow morning with Jesus and a coffee. 

Dear 22 year old Maggie, this a shifting year. Your long nights studying and the time you spent caring for others was all worth it. You are going to complete the research project, complete the grad applications, meet the sweetest guy that loves the Lord too, and graduate. You will also start the greatest adventure you’ve ever been on called The World Race. You have prepared and you are ready. Let go of all your expectations and let God write this story. This year you will let go of striving, you will find your identity in the Lord, and you will find your treasure in heaven. You will finally become who God has already created you to be. It is going to be the hardest yet sweetest year of your life. 

Dear 23 year old Maggie, keep pressing into the last four months of the race. Expect that the Lord is going to fulfill and multiply the dreams you have for Turkey, Jordan, and Thailand. He can do far greater things than we can imagine. Live & dwell in His presence each day.

Love, Mags

5 responses to “Letters to Younger Me”

  1. **crying**
    Love you so much Mags!! So blessed to have met you at 18 and turned best friend through so many highs and lows. I have learned so much from you and I admire your passion for the Lord and for serving others❤️

  2. You are writing a story your kids will cheer. Look up my email name in the Bible.

    • I am so glad I know 23 year old Maggie!! These pictures are iconic – please recreate them one day

  3. SO GOOD MAGGIE! I love that this is like reading your testimony from Maggie’s perspective. Wow the Lord has been so faithful to you, AMEN. I’m so glad to know you, truly. Love you, sister.