
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today was our travel day to Antigua, Guatemala. We will be reuniting with our entire squad for a couple weeks of debrief and training in preparation for Europe. I am sitting here in the cutest coffee shop, reflecting on the past few weeks of ministry. God is revealing more to me each day that the people make the place. Chicamán is full of people who are hospitable, eager to receive prayer, and gave me a glimpse of what life looks like walking in full dependence on the Lord. I am going to share two stories that have impacted me the past few weeks.

Saturdays are the busiest days in Chicamán because it is market day. People from small surrounding villages travel into town to either sell their fresh fruits and vegetables or to shop them. We have made it a common routine that we also go to the market on Saturdays to get weekly team groceries and also do ATL. ATL, short for Ask The Lord, is a term the World Race uses to encourage racers to live kingdom minded 24/7. Even when we have rest days or tasks like grocery shopping, how can we welcome the Holy Spirit in?

Being interruptible and accessible has been something I strive to do while at the market. If we become too task oriented, we often miss the moment or opportunities to minister to the people around us. This slow perspective is against what Western culture has taught us so I have had to rewrite a lot of habits.

Because Saturday is the most busy market day, it is also when many beggars travel to the market. While offering them money or food provides for them physically, I have been reminded of how giving someone the invaluable gift of God’s word will sustain them much longer.

John 6:27 says, “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life.” The Word of God is quite literally food that nourishes our souls. It is the bread that continues to give. Being in the presence of the living Word can battle and overcome any of our worldly present sufferings. We often spend too much time working towards things of this world that do not lead us towards eternal life.

This type of temptation is not new to Jesus though. Jesus fasted and prayed for forty days. Following his fast, Satan tempted Him with food. Similarly, Satan uses these strategies on us too. He tempts us with worldly desires. But Jesus did not succumb, He responded, “It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” 

My heart breaks for those who go hungry or are sick, but our God is a living God. His Word is active today. Mathew 6:25-34 says, “I clothe the lilies of the field and feed the birds of the air. Are you not much more valuable than they? So, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink.“

God does call us to be generous, to be His hands and feet, and often, to physically bless those in need. But we should never lose sight of the greatest need- for all nations to be made disciples. Giving someone the Word of God is everlasting.

A few weeks ago, Joana and I were downtown at the market. We were picking up chicken when we saw an older gentlemen pushing a wheelbarrow that an elderly man was sitting in. As we walked by, we greeted them with a few words and a smile. About a block later, we both looked at each other to express that we needed to turn back. After some conversation and prayer, we learned that the elderly man, Juan, had a fall accident and lost mobility in his legs. Juan is ninety-six years old. With his soft eyes and whispering voice, I felt this man’s gentle and loving spirit. His son, Maynor, lives with and cares for him with such a sacrificial heart. Living on the outskirts of town, they come into town every Saturday too.

As we walked home, Joana and I both felt the desire to pray for a wheelchair for Juan. We learned from our host that there are not any for sale in Chicamán but there are likely some available in Coban, a city about two hours away. He said that we would be traveling through there in a couple weeks. Until that day came, we continued to look for Juan and Maynor on Saturdays to encourage and update them.

After being rescheduled because of a hurricane, the day came when we were going to Coban! The joy, excitement, and anxiety to find one that day was flowing out of me. Thankfully, we found the perfect chair at a pharmacy- the last one they had available in store.

With the limitations of time and of returning to the pharmacy, we went ahead and bought it. Wesly tied it to the roof of our car, we finished our errands, and we headed home.

On the way home, a couple of us briefly shared the story on social media mentioning that if people are able, that they could prayerfully consider supporting. As we drove through the foggy mountains in the dark, Amy looked at me with such expectancy saying ‘God is going to do it by the time we get home’. With doubt and a lack of confidence in the Lord, I did not believe her.

Within minutes, a sweet friend and her husband from Eau Claire had donated- I was blown away! A couple more minutes later, she texted me that they actually felt led to give the entire cost of the wheelchair.

Celebration roared out of the car. My heart was overwhelmed.

How often do we limit God? How often does our lack of faith limit God’s power in our lives? 

After giving Juan his wheelchair that next Saturday, we were able to go with them to their home. Juan was devotedly thanking and praising God- mentioning that he had prayed for us all this time. Juan truly embodies a heart of reverence to the Lord by continuing to be faithful that his earthly needs will be met.

Together, they have many physical needs. With the help of my ministry host, we can continue to bless them even while my team will not be there physically. Some of the needs are a stove, mattresses, cement flooring for accessibility, a bathroom, a pila, etc. I welcome you to consider partnering with God in what He is doing in their lives. If you feel led, any donation will go directly to supporting these physical needs. My venmo is @Maggie-Prokosch 

Maynor with his father, Juan the first day he sat in his chair. 

I also want to share a sweet story of our friend Juanito. My team first met Juanito when he approached us while we sat in the park one day. He is one of many people who work to maintain and keep the park clean. He spends every afternoon with his wheelbarrow and broom. He first spoke to us for thirty minutes but when we asked him if we could pray for him, he responded ‘I don’t have time, I am working‘ (hahah). We were able to catch him a few days later and finally pray for his sore hands.

Juanito did not have a bible but luckily Wesly, our ministry host, just received the funds to buy hundreds of bibles and was willing to gift us one. For the past couple weeks we did not see Juanito in the park as usual so I grew anxious that we would not see him before we left. Yesterday was our last day of ministry so we walked the streets of Chicamán to say some goodbyes. We walked down the hill of their house and there he was! Juanito was standing there with his two sisters, almost as if he were waiting for us.

Juanito was so thankful to receive his bible. His sisters, who have been inviting him to church with them for years, were also ecstatic.

Although we left Chicaman and will not be able to physically see God work in Juanito’s life, I am faithful that God will keep writing this unfinished story. My prayer for Juanito is that he will begin spending time reading the word and that it will be the bread that sustains him.

 Juanito and his two sisters. 

It is through these new relationships that I have learned how intricately God’s design is. He has been so faithful to allow us to partner with Him in their lives.

Thank you God for giving us the greatest gift. Thank you for your word that sustains us daily. Amen.

Be well. Love well.


4 responses to “The Bread that Keeps on Giving”

  1. I cannot believe that one country is already finished. Mags, WOW. I adore you. Jesus is moving in Chicaman, in EC, everywhere. I love you!

  2. I love your stories, Maggie. Our prayers continue for safety and blessings on your journey!
    Carol and Paul

  3. Praise God!!! Thank you for sharing these encouraging stories, Maggie. Praying for you all and the people you are encountering. All glory be to Christ!!

  4. Mags reading these stories truly brought tears to my eyes and filled me with so much joy!! What amazing work God has done through your team in the short time you lived there. So cool to see God move and answer prayers so quickly. Love you Mags! Keep making heaven more crowded ??